Ah yes. Andrew Emory Tate, described by the mainstream media as a "controversial influencer", by which they mean "the fount of all misogyny everywhere", by a certain subset of terminally online people as the Messiah, and by sensible people (i.e. me) as a pathetic grifter who inherited a lot of wealth and multiplied it by running various scams online and selling his pseudo high roller lifestyle as proof that this works. However, that's not the topic that this writeup is about. No, this writeup seeks to answer a question that I don't think anyone else has tackled, but which at great personal risk to myself and by following interminable rabbit holes, only I have come up with a satisfactory answer to. And it's this:

Why is Andrew Tate such a raging, almost caricature level, misogynist, and what happened to cause him to be like that?

And the answer I have come up with is this:

Andrew Tate is gay.

And not just any old gay. But one of those ultra in denial gay men who is so far in the closet they are having adventures in Narnia, and who has internalised their own self hatred to a point at which admitting their sexuality would break down the house of cards that is their psyche and lead them to an irretrievable mental breakdown. That sort of gay men. In sort, the sort of gay man that has come to believe absolutely that sexual intercourse with other men is unspeakably unmanly, but wants desperately to be seen as really a man as a result, so poses with the trappings of a caricature manliness to compensate.

In a way it's kind of obvious. Always posing with his shirt off. The steroid abuse, like a gym bunny. The fact he is often seen with his lips wrapped around a big cigar. I know, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but sometimes it's a BIG THROBBING COCK. You don't need to be Sigmund Freud to know which one it is here. Andrew Tate is, yes, a man's man who does manly things. And not in any way involving *shudder* GIRLS. His is a brand of masculinity in which well built men do manly things with each other, like admire guns and pointy-fronted cars that make loud noises and other penis analogues. They remark on how swole they are. Normally, straight men do not do this a lot of the time, bodybuilders excepted.

Then there's his attitude to women. Contrary to what the mainstream media will tell you, Andrew Tate does not hate women. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. He is in fact totally indifferent to them. To him, they are just a prop. An article of set dressing. Because to people who follow him and who he wants to follow him (i.e. terminally online basement dwellers), having pneumatic bimbos dangling off you is a trapping of Success, like the fat cigars and expensive watches. It all goes towards him selling a lifestyle. If you watch his videos (which I do not recommend, they're truly pathetic and usually trying to sell you some shit), he objectifies the women in the most raw sense. They're just... there. He has no sexual interest in them whatever, because only he, Andrew Tate, is the sole reason the video exists. He is the star of the show. Not for him some (ugh) WOMAN sharing the spotlight with him. No, his video is all about him, a man, and it is by, of, and for, men.

Women are unimportant in Tate World, other than as a method to gain profit.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Everything in his works and life is about men. And not just any men. But well built men, with aesthetically pleasing muscles, and big dicks like a baby's hand holding an apple. In short, the kind of men that Andrew Tate wants to fuck him.

So, at great personal risk to myself, I went and scoured some of the less salubrious corners of the internets to see if there was any truth to this. And boy. Was there.

I started out on a board called Datalounge which is a totally anonymous text based message board predominantly inhabited by gay men. Basically, if there's any gossip, tattle, or drama in the metropolitan gay scenes in the world, you can find it here. It's like 4chan but for stereotypically bitchy queens. So that was the first place to put out some feelers, I thought. Is Andrew Tate gay, I asked. After swearing everyone to abject secrecy, I got some hard information.

"Andrew Tate? Oh totally. The man's a sleeve," said the first respondent to my thread. Replies 2 through 15 agreed with him unreservedly, with reply 11 adding, "you used to be able to find him face down arse up in The Hoist every weekend a few years back." The Hoist being well known gay fetish club in Vauxhall in London known for that sort of thing until it closed recently. Undeterred, I asked the only question I could at this point. Has anyone here had him? Replies to this were split evenly between "certainly not, I might catch something" and "no, but I know someone who has," followed by a blow by blow account of the poster's "friend" and their sexual adventures with Tate. Seems that Andrew Tate is known for being of easier than average virtue. I was reminded here of his dripping scorn for women who he considers to be sluts. Methinks he projects like an IMAX cinema. Indeed, reply 67 at this point stated, "of course, who hasn't." Hypothesis confirmed.

But I felt I needed more proof. After all, anyone can talk bollocks on a mostly anonymous web forum known for being inhabited by gossipy hens. So I then tried some other well known online haunts that have a reputation for being so-called internet cesspools, but which are also known for, well, being accurate about such things. The first one was of course Kiwi Farms. Love them or loathe them, they are damned good at ferreting out information about questionable people, as proven by their unearthing of the Maradonia film, the exploding of Rose Christo's claim to be the true author of the worst fanfic ever My Immortal, and of course the systematic chronicling of All American outsider artist and literal motherfucker Christian Weston Chandler. They also are religious about keeping receipts as any good online stalking community would be. I logged on and found the thread they kept on Andrew Tate, and expressed an interest in accessing their stores of weaponised autism. After swearing up and down that I wasn't a journalist, it began. Is Andrew Tate gay, because I have anecdotal evidence that he is, and a right man-whore of a bottom to boot, I asked. Can anyone verify this?

Oh yes.

One user said that he had grown up in Luton, the British turdtown that Andrew Tate called home before he inherited vast amounts of wealth from his father Emory Tate. (Fun fact - Emory Tate became rich beyond the dreams of avarice when he invented the disposable nail file in his youth, which is why they are known as Emory boards.) Apparently, per this user, who was of a similar age to him, Andrew Tate was short and bullied for this in his council estate adjacent school, and when he hit puberty, well, he started having strange feelings hitherto unknown to him. Now Luton in the late 1990s and early 2000s was not exactly a progressive locale, and a sink comprehensive school in such a place is even less progressive than that when it comes to matters of sex and sexuality. So when Tate reportedly made advances at the captain of the school's football team in the changing room after Games one fine day around age 15, he was summarily punched out and then bullied relentlessly for the rest of the term. "It was the usual teenage monstrosity," said my source. "You know, kickings at the gate, being shunned, not touching anything he did directly in case we caught AIDS off him, thickly chalking 'OMOH' onto a wall then forcing him backwards onto it wearing his blazer. That sort of thing." Suffice to say that Tate didn't like this, and it was then that Tate picked up martial arts.

Let's take a digression into Tate's martial arts record at this point. He did fight competitively, but despite claiming to be a "world champion," he... wasn't. I don't really follow UFC, K-1, Bellator, or mixed martial arts generally, but outside the big promotions like that, there's a lot of iffy promotions are are literally a few guys battling it out in a shed somewhere, it seems. Tate was not on the cards of any promotion you might have heard of. You know how when you were small your local playground football championship was the Ultimate Grand Champion of the Universe? Well, there's a lot of world champions in martial arts, let's just leave it at that. Tate had a few fights against tomato cans and then put "world champion" on his CV. Like everything else he does, it's all a pose.

Back to my sources. "I used to hang around in the martial arts promotions he did. Everyone knew he liked the cock back then. He would never admit it but we all knew. We could tell. Hell, I'm not gay and I don't know any gay men personally, but I could tell." Another poster ventured that the way he walked was a dead giveaway, which a third referred to his "dick sucking lips." And indeed he does have those. Doesn't mean he's used them for that though. "Oh he has. Have you seen his sex tapes?"

There are sex tapes?!?!?!?

Indeed there are. I did some digging and I found them. They date from the mid 2010s when he was trying to transition from martial arts paper champion to "Top G" grifter. He went on Big Brother in the UK, a reality show, and there was controversy about how sex tapes of him with some girl from a couple of years beforehand wended their way online and he did Unpleasant Things in them. I watched them. They are... illustrative. In them, he is podging this woman, but you can tell his heart really isn't in it. He's just mindlessly going at it with her and it's clear that with his face screwed up in intense concentration, he's just unable to get to the jester's shoes. Then he does, and you can tell by his screwed up eyes that he's desperately dreaming that his ladyfriend is another man. So, I went onto Tattle Life, another board described by some as "an internet cesspool" or possibly "Mumsnet off its meds." Tattle Life is a board which tracks and pokes fun at influencers and their drama. Their userbase is mostly 30+ women from the UK. So, I introduced myself, swore that I wasn't a troll or the man himself, and inveigled myself into the thread they have on him. I asked them about all the above and whether anyone could confirm any of these things. Now given that Tattle Life has a wiki attached to it with every single claim that certain influencers have made dissected, cross-referenced, and debunked (notably pretend poverty campaign Melissa Jane Hadjicostas, aka Jack Monroe), it stands to reason that they're pretty good at offline research.

I tell you, I'm fucking convinced now.

"As it happens I went out with him," said one poster. "He was a shouty arrogant arsehole but I was young and stupid. He got me back to his place and insisted that I sleep with him. I was drunk so I let him. He was absolutely determined, though, that I 'give him anal' in his words. Yeah a lot of shitty men do that but normally they come round to it sort of sideways as if they're ashamed of asking. Tate, he just wanted to claim my arse from the get-go." Indeed Andrew Tate's talking a good game about all the hot models he's banged but never seen even touching them on his webcam show or his social media or indeed using them other than as a prop because that's what a Real Man has in his background was noted by several posters on that board.

"He couldn't seem to actually finish doing it vaginally," added that posted further on. Also, "on the next weekend, he wanted me to peg him. I don't know why I saw him again after the first date because he left me quite badly bruised but I was, like I said, young and stupid. It was kind of pathetic. He was begging me to do this. And this after he'd started shouting about being the daddy and the world champion and the manliest man ever. Makes you think XD"

Another poster chimed in. "Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me. Wasn't there a thing where he was pretending to be models and scamming desperate men online out of their cash? The fact he's so eager to take on what he sees as the receptive, passive role even in his criminal activity is telling imo." Indeed, in the late 2010s Tate and his brother industrialised the romance scam where they hired models to pretend to be in love with desperate men online only to start asking them for money, and indeed it was the case that Tate was actually at the keyboard and the models were just recordings he'd put on his webcam feed.

And this brings us to the final point. Tate's brother Tristan Tate. Tristan Tate is, if you will lower yourself to watch their activities, the person Andrew Tate wishes he could be. Tristan Tate was his rock, his corner man during his martial arts career, and possibly the actual brains of the pair. He is also a rampant homophobe by his own admission and quite possibly a sociopath. Tristan Tate was behind the idea of industrialising the romance scam, Hustlers University, and the various pyramid, Ponzi, and sex trafficking schemes. Andrew Tate was just the face of it. Tristan is likely the reason Andrew Tate is trapped in the closet. Andrew Tate knows that without his brother, who is the real brains of the Tate grifting and scamming empire, he, Andrew, is nothing. He also knows that if he revealed his down low activities to Tristan, the latter would probably refuse to speak to him ever again. And that would leave Andrew as the charismatic but ineffectual front of a dissolving organisation. This is why Andrew Tate makes such a song and dance about being "Top G" when in reality he's "Bottom G" and lets anonymous men in gay fetish clubs pillage his bussy regularly. If he knew that Andrew Tate's dick sucking lips were used for sucking dick, Tristan Tate would cut and run. I also suspect that this is the reason behind his conversion to Islam, at least ostensibly. It's well known that both the Qur'an and Sunnah variously describe homosexuals - "those committing the sins of the people of Lut" - as "a froward folk" or "a people transgressing all bounds of decency" depending on your preferred translation. How better to dispel rumours that you're gay that might damage you than suddenly ascribe to a religion which traditionally agrees that you should be sent BASE jumping without a parachute for such acts. (It also helps him market his stuff to young Muslim lads who, at least in the UK, seem to exhibit a lot of similar attitudes to him.)

And this is probably at the heart of why Andrew Tate is the way he is. He is, in a word, trapped. And it is a hell of his own making. Had he had the internal fortitude to tell his psychotic brother that he likes to take it up the dogblossom, and just accept that, he would probably not have spiralled into the hideous sex trafficking scamming grifting bullshitting con artist criminal that he in fact is. He would not have felt the need to prove himself the caricature of being a REAL MAN. In an alternate universe he probably has an Instagram blog about being an openly gay professional MMA fighter.

But alas, we live in this one.

The one where Andrew Tate regularly has conversations with Mr Tumnus.

The one where he's the subject of my entry for LieQuest 2024: A Lie Quest of Mythologically Discordian Proportions. Yes, this is mostly fictitious. Apart from the bits that aren't.