The dodecahedron is a shape filled with sentiment for me. How many people have nostalgia for geometric solids? Ah, but i do.

When i was Yea high (about 2.5 - 3 feet), my dad got out his drawing board and table saw, and large sheets of plywood and pencils and protractor, and various bits of hardware and carpet scraps, and made a big dodecahedron for me to romp in and around. It dominated the living room in our little West Concord apartment, and is the only thing i really remember, other than losing the bits of games under the dishwasher. It was a hiding place and a romping room, and i could ride my little trike right into the door (really mini-size trike).

It was disassembled when we moved to East Longmeadow, and i don't remember if it was ever reassembled. The pieces sat, stacked, in the basement for ages, being slowly cannibalized for wood over the years. I think there's still one pentagonal piece leaning in a corner of my parents' house, though they've moved three times since then.

So, i may have been the youngest child ever to learn what a dodecahedron is!