The brain is a physical structure. It is a conduit for various environmental resonance. Each neuron in the brain sends but one message, or by not sending a message is sending a message. Ones and zeros are the fundamental code of cognition for computers and men. Neurons that have patterns which harmonize have connections which strengthen, and those neurons that are discordant weaken in connection. The brain is a stable place for patterns to enter into and stablize among each other. If you cut out pieces of my brain, you change the ways those patterns interact and you change my soul, for indeed, the soul is synonymous with the brain. Any sound you hear is sampled by a multitude of hair cells, each of which codes in its language of action potentials (ones and zeros)one range of frequency. The chorus of these digital signals of perception enter the brain as a map of the surrounding environmental forces. I am a cognitive science major and so should you be, for music is everything. Nothing can be separated from music.