Aggravation is a game created by Milton Bradley over thirty years old where up to six people compete in an annoying yet enjoyful race. The name originated because of the way players can be stopped or sent back in the middle of the game. Overall this game is a fun and involving way to pass time and test the limit of a family member's composure without killing a pet or running someone over.

On the game board there are one hundred and thirty three holes in which different moves will place you in. Four marbles for each player are put in as the game pieces in which you use to take your moves and if moved correctly win the game. The recognition, your own seperately colored marbles, the goal, line them up in single file in your safe zone.

You start with all of the pieces in your home zone lined up horizontally. On a die, you roll either a one or a six to get out of your home zone onto the starting hole. If you roll a one you put a piece out and the next person goes. Whereas, if you roll a six, you get to take another turn. Note, you can only have one marble on the starting hole at a time.

Now you are out of home, any number on the dice that you roll you can use to move any of your pieces that are out on the board, but only one at a time. As long as the starting hole is empty, you can continue to take out marbles onto it. There are six tiers of holes to move your marbles around before you reach the end. The final goal is to circulate your pieces all the way around the board and place them vertically all in your safe zone.

Along the way you will encounter seven special holes which can help you go faster around the board. These holes are marked with a yellow star, and are located in the innards of the circle. Six of these outer star holes allow you to skip along each of them thus getting to pass up the regular, and much longer route. The seventh hole is directly in the center of the game board and when your marble is placed in it allows on the roll of a one for the marble in the center to go to the nearest outer star hole to your home zone.

Along your journey to the safe zone you can either put back or be put back by fellow players by simply rolling the correct number to place your marble on the same hole as their's. Once you or another player is landed on you or they must put the compromised piece back into the home area and roll another one or six to get it out again. As a side note, you are not allowed to skip past your own marbles thus you should find another marble to move.

As you near your safe zone there will be a hole on the bottom of the tier around your safe zone made for entry into the ending four holes in which you must place all of your marbles. This entry hole (snicker, snicker) will be marked with a yellow arrow pointing to the first hole of the safe zone. Upon reaching this hole you will then pass through it and up to the safe zone, unless the number you rolled was too great to go to the end of the safe zone or closer. If you roll too large of a number to enter into the safe area you must find another piece to move with that roll or pass on that turn. In the safe zone there is still no allowed jumping of your own marbles and you have to line up your pieces to where they fill all four holes in a single file.

After the game is over you may either be reeling with joy and sarcasm towords your family and friends. On the other hand, you may be contemplating beating the pulp out of the family member or friend that is showing sarcasm to a family member or a friend. Either way it is advised to take this game lightly and refrain from any longated grudges over the results or just toward the person themself. Then again, if they cheap you out on an extremely long game such as Monopoly, a quiet place, lawn darts, lime, and a shovel usually works well, and happy hunting.