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To her secret heart (idea)
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Sun May 11 2003 at 13:51:20
weak thing,
you flutter in
my ribcage
a restless bird
to give up your role.
Do not drum on
these bones
they will not give in
a woman with sea-green eyes
I know why the caged bird sings... I know why
Kind eyes and half smiles
Your first writeup will be nuked: Don't give up
These dead open their bodies to the living like a door
If you build it they will come
you, radiating out among the crush of people
Through this warm electricity I will give you bark branches and leaves curling upward into a safe sky
Eyes like extinguished paper lanterns
Dear Eyes, How well indeed, you do adorn
Tell me about my contradictions
Secret Me-Meta-Node Challenge
I promised myself to make a picture of my heart, and there it is
I want to be alone until God rips a rib out of my chest and makes me a woman
Love's End
Totto-chan : The Little Girl at the Window
She ties regrets around her fingers like forget-me-knots
She thought about giving him her heart
I'm scared to death of what havoc he could wreak in my life
The vampire at my window at 4am
July 28, 2019
April 10, 2019
March 14, 2019