After seeing several snip-its of Chains of Love and one complete one - I find it quite disturbing. The show plays two very fundamental emotions off of each other - love and greed. I have never before seen such malice from those attempting to 'win'.

The format of the show is essentially:

  • One guy and four girls or one girl and four guys are chained together either by hands or legs. Four suitors and the picker.

  • The picker is given control of $10,000. Each time a suitor is set free, the picker may give some amount of the money to that person.

  • The order of people on the chain is determined by method (for example identifying which two poems he finds the best). Those two selected will be chained closest to him.

  • After getting chained together, the group goes out and gets to know each other. This includes dinner, drinks, and spending time in a hot tub.

  • After sleeping together (yes, all in one huge bed) they are awoken at 8:30ish and one of the suitors is selected to be set free.

  • The day proceeds with activities during which one of the suitor is released.

  • Again after another activity, another suitor is released.

  • When it is down between two suitors, they each pair off with the picker for first a lunch, and then a dinner. While one suitor is seducing, the other suitor is off to the side lonely.

  • Immediately following the dinner, one suitor is released.

  • Finally, that last night and morning the picker makes the final choice. If the picker chooses not to pursue a relationship with the final suitor, the picker may release the suitor with some of the prize money and claim the rest. Otherwise, the prize money is turned over to the suitor. The suitor may then leave half the money and dissappear, or remain.
The disturbing part is that this seems to bring out the worst in people. In Survivor, Machiavellian plans are expected - a prize of $1,000,000 is something that people will fight over. It may be me, but $10,000 (1% of what Survivor pays out) is not worth the fight.

So there are seductions - not for love, but for greed. Some 'play' with the intention of not finding love, but taking away as large a chunk of the prize money as possible. Although malice never is mentioned as a reason, one can't help but feel that it is there. How else can one explain the cruel words that are exchanged that appear to have the sole intention of hurting the other person. Greed, malice, and love do not make a triangle that I care to watch.

When a suitor is let go, there always feels to be some bitter feelings left. Cruel words are exchanged - "Here is some money, get yourself drunk and join a dating service - you might find who you are looking for" seems to be a common feeling. A knife in the heart.

As an armchair spectator, there seems to only be one way to have any chance of 'winning' the game of love part - and that is to eliminate the greed. There are four suitors - give the first three as they leave each $3,300. Not only does this mean there is some chance of remaining friends, but it rapidly shows that money is not what is sought after. A quick look at math shows at the end, there will only be $100. If a suitor is playing for money - making it to the end is not the way to 'win'. Furthermore, if at the end, the suitor walks away with half the money - nothing was lost and it is obvious that the suitor was not the right one.

Still, the 'game' of love is something that many of us hold as an ideal, hoping to find that person. Watching it be mixed with greed and malice ruins part of that dream. While the occasional faerie tale does happen to be shown, more often then not what is shown is seduction and manipulation in exchange for a few dollars.