My first entry in the day log.

Today I'm struggling with what to do with my life. I have a good job - I'm a software engineer - but the company's future isn't certain. Not that there aren't lots of other companies out there, and I've done consulting in the past. But I've been thinking lately that I want to go to college and get my degree. I'd like to go for a Masters in Computer Science.

Maybe some background is needed. I'm pretty unusual - 19 years of age and I've been working in software development full time most of the time since before I turned 14. (Made possbile only by the wonders of homeschooling!) The company I work for now has sent me all over the country to consult for our clients. I do pretty well for myself to say the least.

But I sometimes feel like I should head to college and get a formal education and a degree. Up to this point I've taught myself everything I know - with the help of lots and lots of books; my parents of course; and Phil Wood, who taught me so much about math, computers, working with metal in his machine shop, history, and life in general.

So my dillema is: should I spend 4 or 5 years attending a university, or should I keep working and teaching myself what I can? My misgivings about going to college are that I really don't know how much the things I learn there will help me with my job and in life. If I can spend those years doing more on my own, then perhaps that's the right thing to do. But, OTOH, if I don't go to college now, I probably never will be able to.

What to do... guess I'll just keep on noding for now...