Valentine’s Day: More hassle than it’s worth? Discuss. I’m not going to get into the details.



My leg has been better, as of late. I can walk without a limp on occasion now, and it hasn’t been keeping me awake at nights. Perhaps if things continue down this path, I will be able to return to long walks, runs, dancing, and bouncing like a fool before I go absolutely crazy from being unable to move any faster than a retarded turtle.

Until then, however, I plod.


On MANiC!, the webpage I share with darling Jessica, I posted a quote from a book called “The Hacker Ethic”, by Pekka Himanen. The quote was about finding meaning within one’s life and activities, and how meaningful ‘leisure’ is, is relative to the amount of passion you put into other parts of your life.

Someone posted a comment asking “honestly Jyro, where did your spirit go?” – ‘Jyro’ being one of the old nicks I used back in the bbs/warez/artscene/hacker/whatever days. It really got to me.

I couldn’t tell you why, either. I don’t really think I’ve lost my ‘spirit’, most of the time... I worry about it, though. I worry it’ll happen, or that it has happened and I just haven’t noticed yet.

Maybe other people see something I don’t.


Nothing more to say.