Joyeux Mutato is an album of mostly instrumental Christmas music by Devo member Mark Mothersbaugh. Joyeux Mutato was originally created to accompany an exhibition of Mark Mothersbaugh's artwork. The music on Joyeux Mutato is similar to the music on Mark's other solo albums Muzik For Insomniaks, only with the weird experimental aspect turned down. Many pieces are mutated re-arrangements of classic Christmas songs, such as "Rudolph The Space Deer", and the album closer "I Don't Have A Christmas Tree (Soylent Night)". The album is very melodic and ambient. While the Christmas theme is very obvious, it's a great album for listening to year-round. Mark Mothersbaugh's father, Robert Mothersbaugh (aka General Boy) claims this is his favorite album of music by his son.

Joyeux Mutato was originally released on the Rhino Handmade label of Rhino Records, in a limited edition of 3000 copies. This edition featured a fuzzy, red felt slipcase with a illustration of "Booji Boy Visited By The Floatato Christmas Gift". Inside, a folder contains three Christmas stories by Mark Mothersbaugh. This version is, sadly, out of print. A retail version was released on Rhino Records, with a shorter running time, and different track list. This version includes an exclusive track, "Jingles$, Jingle$, Jingle$". The cover of the retail version is a wreath of tangled Christmas lights. This version is still in print.

Joyeux Mutato makes a fine addition to anyone's music collection, and is a great way to freak people out at your office christmas party.

Tracklist for Rhino Handmade Limited Edition:

  1. Blue Joy
  2. Midnight Wind-Up Toy
  3. Bell Boy
  4. Tannenbong
  5. Happy Woodchopper
  6. Only 12 Shopping Days Left
  7. Peace And Goodwill
  8. Enough Xmas For All
  9. Rudolph The Space Deer
  10. You Better Watch Out...
  11. Let There Be Snow
  12. I Don't Have A Christmas Tree (Soylent Night) (High Tolerance Edit)

Tracklist for Retail version:

  1. Jingle$, Jingle$, Jingle$
  2. Blue Joy
  3. Midnight Wind-Up Toy
  4. Bell Boy
  5. Happy Woodchopper
  6. Only 12 Shopping Days Left
  7. Peace And Goodwill
  8. Enough Xmas For All
  9. You Better Watch Out...
  10. Let There Be Snow
  11. I Don't Have A Christmas Tree (Soylent Night) (Low Tolerance Edit)