Well, I've finally hit iron and progressed on to stainless steel in the Iron Noder 2017 challenge. I'm having a lot of fun finding random things to write about.

I'd like to give a shout-out to two individuals.

First, a big "thank you" to mauler for hosting the Iron Noder 2017 challenge again this year. Things have changed since I last participated, as there's a page that automatically updates the entries. That's nice and handy, plus it allows me to see which nodes I've voted on. I'm trying to keep up as they come in. Sometimes I wish I had ten chings to give away daily. Mauler has selflessly donated time to make a fun event, and I do appreciate that.

Second, DonJaime has been spotting all of the oopsies and typos in my nodes. Since I'm typing these up in between NaNoWriMo sprints, a lot more of them slip through. I'd like to note that I appreciate DonJaime's dedication and proofreading abilities.

I hope you're thinking about joining in the Iron Noder 2017 challenge. Just send a note to mauler, it's not too late!