Sure is a lot of cooking and baking going on. I made some cherry cream cheese pies using my wife's recipe. First time I've used it, and the results were satisfactory and delicious. It was a tradition when we lived together. She was out here so we could both go to a convention and then got the con crud, so she stayed over Thanksgiving. First time I had a human in the house over a holiday in years. Usually it was just me and the chinchillas, now down to a single one, Silent Bob

I already ate one of the pies and watched my glucose numbers go crazy. Still have one more to go so let's see if I can get it over 400. My record was 960 when I was hospitalized five years ago. I think my blood was replaced with corn syrup.

Anyway, my MFA classes end next week, so I need to finish up a couple of papers and send them in. In January, the next quarter ramps up with a poetry bootcamp, a fiction workshop, and a nonfiction essay class. I expect to post a lot of crap on E2. Waste not, want not.

Hope your Sunday went well and your workweek is productive.