To properly appreciate this you must be a Simpsons fanatic with a penchant for chess notation and a knowledge of the German Alphabet.

1. e4 ... 2. Ke2? Raise left eyebrow at opponent ... 3. Kd3? Raise right eyebrow at opponent ... 4-n. Kxn? Stand. Raise arms above head, relax wrists. Shake arms and shuffle about floor, saying "I'm a möniac, möniac, that's fer sure!"? ... until Y. Kxn? ...mate.

Ok, on second thoughts... this has been up a few days and the only response I've got is "Huh?" so here it is in English.

Move your King's pawn foward 2. Whatever your opponent does, they will not expect your next move! Move your King foward 1. Raise one eyebrow, so you look like you have a plan. For your next move, move your King diagonally out to the front of your pawn line. Raise your other eyebrow so you look surprised.
From then on, move your King back and forth in front of your pawn line doing that thing I said, which is the scene where Groundskeeper Willy goes insane.

This is the only opponent-independant move sequence known to humankind!