The "
Amateur Satelite" format for expressing the
Keplerian Elements of a
satellite. While this format is easily read by humans, it is not standardized. It takes the form:
Satellite: AO-13
Catalog number: NNNNN
Element set: NNN
Inclination: DD.FFFF deg
RA of node: DDD.FFFF deg
Eccentricity: 0.EEEEEEE
Arg of perigee: DDD.FFFF deg
Mean anomaly: D.FFFF deg
Mean motion: R.FFFFFFFF rev/day
Decay rate: -R.FFe-06 rev/day^2
Epoch rev: NNNN
Checksum: NNN
Compare to:
NASA/NORAD 2-Line Format
One-Line "Charlie" Elements Format