Dr. Samuel Reese Sheppard is best known as the basis for the television show and movie "The Fugitive".
Sheppard, a Cleveland osteopath, was convicted of second-degree murder in 1954 after his pregnant wife Marilyn was found bludgeoned to death at the couple's suburban Bay Village home. His claim was that an intruder broke into their home. The murder was the result of the couple confronting the would be burgler. With no evidence to prove his claim, and no evidence against the bereaved doctor, police took Dr. Sheppard into custody for suspcion of murder, a charge that he was convicted of a short time later.

In 1963 NBC began airing the television series "The Fugitive" which eventually lead to a re-trial of the case. During the second, and later a third, trial Dr. Sheppard was freed and aquitted of all charges and allowed to return home.

Sheppard died in 1970.

more info:
URL: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~josephr/HOTH/sheppard.html (pictures, more detail)
MOVIE: The Fugitive (1993)
TV: The Fugitive (1963-1967; 2000- )