An independent film written, directed, starring, and with music composed by Karl T. Hirsch available on video but never shown in theatres due to Hirsch's extremely low budget for the film. The film follows the experiences of four 20somethings in Phoenix, Arizona while they trip on one hallucinogen or another. Their trips consist primarily of them looking back on their own lives and figuring out what went wrong. Eventually, each one comes to a realisation about him- or herself. The film is 88 minutes long. It was in production for quite a few years (again, because of the low budget) and IMDb says it was released in 2000.

Personally, I really don't like this flick. It's not that there isn't meaning behind it or that anything crucial really suffered all that much from the low budget but I thought the conclusions the characters come to about themselves were pretty predictable. I'm surprised it would take them until their mid-20s to realise the things I did a few minutes into each one's trip/flashback sequence. The movie seemed a lot longer than 88 minutes for me.

the actors:
Matt Gallagher as Ralph Huges
Karl T. Hirsch as David Stone
Dana Millican as Joanna Miller
Hyrum Patterson as Eric