༼༄༄༄the Eight Great Lords of the Naga༄༄༄༽ 

༼༅ kLu'i rGyal-Po Chen-Po brGyed ༅༽




1. ནོར་རྒྱས་ (Norgye/Vāsuki) Meaning 'abundance and plenty', Identified in iconography as a snake-goddess who carries the earth on her head.


2.པད་མ་ (Pema/Padma) Sanskrit word for Lotus. A significant term in Indo-Tibetan religion, many individuals and beings within Buddhism carry this name, and the symbol of the lotus itself figures heavily in Buddhist Iconography.


3.སྟོབས་རྒྱུ་ (Tobgyu/Karkoṭaka ) Difficult term to translate, Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionaries identify this name with the term ཀླུ་ཞིག་ (kLu Zhig), itself a vauge term loosely translating to 'Serpent Destroyer'. In this context a Destroyer who is a serpent, and not a destroyer of them.


4.འཇོག་པོ་ (Jog-po/Takṣaka) Figures in Sino-Japanese enumerations of 'eight great dragons', and also a figure in Hindu mythology. འཇོག་ (Jog/ 'jog) in Tibetan means to place, leave, set aside, hoard, put down, establish; I understand this in the context of 'hoarding' treasure, or 'settling', which has additional meditative significance.


5.པད་མ་ཆེན་པོ་ (Pema Chenpo/ Mahāpadma) Another unusual name. Literally it is read as 'Great Lotus' (Pema/Padma=Lotus Maha/Chenpo=Great or Unexcelled) It is also used in Tantric contexts as a code-word for the sexual organs, as well as being associated with one of the many Buddhist hells, and a particularly large species of leech.


6.དུང་སྐྱོང་ (Dungkyong/Śaṅkhapāla) Literally 'Guardian of Conch-Shells', this particular Naga, as well as Norgye, features in many Ritual and Magical texts- particularly the kLu 'Bum.


7.རིགས་ལྡན་ (Rikden/Kulika) This term is used regularly to mean 'A member of a noble family' or colloquially as 'Oh, You of noble family', as well as to identify chieftains and Buddhist kings and rulers.


8.མཐའ་ཡས་(Taye/Śeṣa) Meaning 'Limitless, infinite, boundless, and endless. This figure, alongside Norgye and Dungkyong, seems to feature in almost every permutation of this list, though is absent- as far as I can tell- from similar Chinese and Hindu lists of 'Eight Great Dragons'.