Often termed "seminal" or "germinal," Los Angeles power-pop combo The Knick continues to defy all attempts at categorization. Remembered today mainly as Wondermints co-founder Darian Sahanaja’s first band, The Knick enjoyed a brief yet intense popularity during the heady days of the late 1970s "new wave" scene.

Credited (albeit erroneously) with originating the "skinny tie" look then sweeping the nation, the band released two albums that are long out of print and remain highly prized by collectors. Still, the breadth of their influence, both musically and culturally, is undeniable.

Comprised of the creative nucleus of Sahanaja, James Rooney and Gary "The Lud" Roberts, the band recorded its 1979 debut album "Get The Knick," a paean to adolescent coming of age, on a shoestring budget. Released on the now defunct Dar-Vader label, the album explored such themes as teenage love, sex, and learning to shave, and became a minor cult hit.

The Knick’s creativity fully blossomed when a gifted drummer and lyricist with the provocative stage name Dan Sexual joined the band at the end of 1979. Sexual’s prodigious talent and legendary good looks helped cement the band’s appeal. With Sexual behind the drum kit, the band recorded and released its second and final album, “Summer Ours (and Sum Aren’t)” in 1980.

Interestingly, the band never officially disbanded. While Sahanaja and his Wondermints have achieved fame and success as rock icon Brian Wilson’s backing band, Sexual went on to drum for a number of ill-fated west-coast grunge bands, most notably the Portland, Ore.-based Sloe Bump, which briefly toured with Nirvana before dissolving in acrimony. In recent interviews, Sexual, now a celebrity chef in Los Angeles, has not ruled out a possible Knick reunion, a tantalizing prospect for the band’s fiercely loyal fan base.