This morning driving out on 285, the day still all flat and black, the moon was lower, more giant and more orange than I've ever seen. My eyes snapped to it and I swore. I kept fixed upon it and started slowing down, drifting out of lane, etc. without meaning to. I groped for my phone but the camera wasn't good enough. Buildings and trees kept rising to get in my view, but I kept looking and waiting for them to shrink away just to see the goddamn moon again. Headlights and tail lights fled all over the tracts and expanses of highway in front of me, but still I kept looking skyward. Since then, I've heard no reports of escaped animals, feral dogs, wild coyotes, improbable dingoes. The local news says nothing about slaughters, freakish maulings, or gruesome ends. This is proof werewolves do not exist.