Some YouTube commentary, books and culture.
/ Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 69th day \
\ of Chaos in the YOLD 3191 /
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I've been watching a lot of Youtube videos lately, for good or ill. Sometimes I've been pleasantly surprised, sometimes informed and surprised, and just sometimes, horrified.some of the horror comes from commentary on current events, notably the destruction of the Americans' services owing to the illegal dismantling of agencies through the interference of one Elon Musk, whose 'DOGE' agency has no legal power to do what it is currently doing. At this point, I think I should walk into a Tesla dealership and fire the staff, with as much authority as Musk has to destroy Americans' government. I was not brought up in this country, but even I know that the Senate has to authorise a new government department. I fear for you all.
The other horror has been watching cooking videos, notably Tasting History and Binging with Babish. As I suffer with misophonia, watching or hearing someone eating has a marked effect on me, ranging from utter disgust to outright rage. But i enjoy food, i am wanting to cook more and still have much to learn. Learning to use my Instant Pot has led me into a variety of cuisines, notably Mexican and Eastern/Northern European. Youtube food videos have been fun, apart from my misophnia triggers. youtubers: speaking with your mouth full disrespects both the food and your audience. Likewise, no-one wants to see the food as you chew. Eat, or speak, pick one. </vent>
The other thing I've been meditating on is cultural history. watching a series of documentaries about Scottish and Irish history, i am struck that i have no idea how i manifest "English culture", beyond taking some pride in my upbringing, and telling tales of my father and grandfather, and stories about my own interactions with English life. Paddy's day is approaching, a day I have come to loathe utterly, for reasons. i wish i could celebrate Saint George's Day with some aplomb, that's all I'm saying. Wai 'til I come to you and tell you that "everybody's English on St. George's Day", and remonstrate with you about it, they way you all do with me. I should wear an ENgland cap or something that day, just to show folk. Some day I need to write the story of why saint paddy's Day is bad for me, including the Asian guy in the pub who nagged me to "wear green", claiming for himself some tangential connection to Irishness. it makes me want to spit. i mean, I love the Irish, seriously, but this Americanistic forcing some cultural compliance one day a year is beyond the Pale to me.
Speaking of stories, Lie Quest is approaching, and I'm having second thoughts about it. when i originally came up with the idea a couple of years ago, i wanted it to be a showcase for tall tales and storytelling. i was disappointed by the response, and this year decided to limit entries to factual writeups about the lies people have told. Please consider writing for this quest during march and let me know how keen you are, or aren't, as the quest will likely begin 1st April. I say "likely' as I reserve the right to not run it if my energy is low.
On a personal note, I am escaping the house at ever opportunity just now, given that we have workmen in to carry out repairs in the bathroom. The noise, mess and continual invasion of living space has driven me to distraction, I'm likely to be living in the library and cafe for the next couple of days until it's all done.
i continue to heal, slowly. I still have trouble sleeping, but can generally get around well enough once I am on my feet. Mild chest pain on twisting or stretching is tolerable, my shoulders are now the cause of more pain than my sternum ever was, the result of awkward twisting for the likes of car seat belts, and my deltoids have doing the duty of pectoral muscles for lifting, which is still problematic. but in time that will subside and i can begin exercising to rebuild my strength.
Meanwhile, I have finished The Road to Roswell by the excellent Connie Willis, which I intend to review soon; many thanks to Segnbora-T for that one. I have on the table a book hilariously entitled 'Planes, Trains and toilet doors, courtesy of weroland. Thank you so much, I'm about to start that today over a ice little flat white coffee. Speaking of coffee, i have two writeups planned for the next couple of weeks, on coffee topics. Since my last daylog, only one writeup, On the Construction of the Heavens, on the paper written by William Herschel. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed reading it, and the insight i gained into earlier astronomy, a topic that has always fascinated me. at home i'm occasionally still dipping into he excellent work on etymology, Words from Hell by Jess Zafarris, an excellent, funny, intriguing and informative read. it's currently sitting on my desk, and i will open it at random to read her quirky tales of language and chuckle with delight. Thanks to Jet-Poop for that one. Look out for Jess's podcast, which she does with Rob Watts, it's excellent listening 9or watching, they have a YouTube channel too("Words Unravelled).
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