Another home-brew garum recipe. For this, you're going to have to think like a Roman slave, who happens to be a cook, out in the Colonies: that is, an adaptation. Only that they're in this kind of weird beyond the Pillars of Hercules...(In short, screw historical accuracy, this tastes good, Goddamit!) Saturate 1 l. of water with salt (sea salt preferred, but not necessary). Simmer in it 1 can anchovies, 1/2 t. oregano, and 50 ml. defrutum* for 15 minutes. Allow to cool, strain, and bottle.

Excellent with pasta, either by itself or in sauces, but can be used in almost any other savory dish. It's a umami bomb.

I use a lot myself, and find it a great gift for "people who have everything".

* EITHER (and I've used all three, to good results) mashed sweet grapes, Welch's grape juice, or similar grape jam.