Editor's note: this can be extremely dangerous so don't do it. Okay? Okay.

Hey kids! Try this! 

1. Pulverize enough dried Salvia Divinorum to fill a large, clean, glass container (about 1 liter). Do not use your hands to pulverize it, because it will make inferior or worthless product. 

I recommend you grow the plants yourself. They grow very quickly in a moist shady spot! The mail-order stuff is expensive and of questionable quality. 

2. In a WELL VENTILATED AREA, away from ignition sources, pour enough acetone into the salvia to cover it.

    BEWARE! Some products claim to be acetone, but are in fact mixed with Benzene! DO NOT use any acetone which does not say "100% pure" somewhere on the can. Even then, you are risking your life to try this experiment.  Beware.

3. Let the mixture soak for 15 minutes. Keep your hands out or you'll ruin it. 

4. Strain the liquid into a clean glass container that has an easily accessible bottom. Put one tablespoon of the plant material back into the liquid, and the throw the rest of the plant matter away (outside!). ... it is worthless. 

5. Place the liquid-filled container somewhere outside, taking steps to make sure no debris (leaves, bugs) can get in. 

6. Let ALL the acetone evaporate. This should take only a day or two. If the product smells even faintly like acetone, it is not dry. The result is a dark green residue that is similar to marijuana in appearance. It should smell aromatic, like a spice. If it smells like benzene, (paint thinner), DO NOT USE. You need PURE acetone.

7. Get exactly one close friend who you trust to sit with you in a comfortable, dim (but not dark) place while you try it, and play good upbeat music.

This is VERY IMPORTANT! I am a veteran psychedelic lover, and this stuff still blew my mind. The music is important because sounds will fuel the visual hallucinations.

8. Load a bong (preferably), pipe, or other smoking apparatus with some extract (a pea-sized amount did it for me), and warn your friend that they might have to catch the bong if you drop it. you might forget how gravity works

9. Take a deep hit. Repeat if necessary.


If you want to hear about my personal experience with this drug, see below: 


    I spent a whole night preparing a psychedelic plant extract known as Salvinorin-A from dried plant material and acetone. The plant is called Salvia divinorum, or more commonly, Diviner's Sage. The resulting extract is 50x more potent than the leaves, which shamen chew on to attain enlightenment and learn "power songs".

   Yesterday morning, around 5 am, The stuff was dry and ready to smoke. In the dim light of pre-sunrise, I nestled down into a couch and took a big hit of it. Things began to distort in the strangest ways. The couch I was sitting on began to warp and "fan" about it long axis like a deck of playing cards being shuffled in a cylinder. ... and I was being shuffled "into" it!

   I felt that there were consciousnesses beckoning me to go further. I had lost my body. I forgot who I was, and how I had gotten to this strange place. I couldn't feel myself, my breathing, my tongue, or hands. The universe I am accustomed to became just a bright thin layer, folded among this new universe I was in. This place was extradimensional, to be certain. I can hardly explain it. I laughed hysterically at first... but soon I got afraid of what was happening.

   Something must have sensed my hesitation, because the voices stopped, and I slowly started coming back. Soon I could see that I was back on the couch, but things were definitely still warping and distorting. I got up and found my cigarettes, and began to smoke one. I still couldn't tell if I was breathing or swallowing for a few minutes... Like I was a disembodied soul. It was weird, but I reminded myself that this is to be expected. (I had researched its effects thoroughly beforehand, but that knowledge had done me no good earlier when I had forgotten everything I knew.)  Soon, about 10 minutes after that first hit, things had pretty much returned to normal.