Transforms from jeep to robot and back!


"Make deals, not war."

Easy-going and good natured, but within him beats the fuel pump of the most greed-driven street hustler. Thrives on wheeling and dealing, works for his own personal material advancement. A one-robot "black market". Uses a scatter blaster that sprays explosive pellets, gyro gun that disrupts Transformers' balance center. Combines with fellow Combaticons to form "Bruticus". Prone to overturning on sharp turns.

  • Strength: 5
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Speed: 5
  • Endurance: 6
  • Rank: 6
  • Courage: 5
  • Firepower: 9
  • Skill: 10
Transformers Tech Specs

Swindle's personality actually got depicted in the cartoon at least once or twice, when some creative deal brokering needed to be made. The toy was, strangely, sleeker in vehicle mode but unattractively boxy (and short) in robot mode, but the authenticity of the military vehicle's appearance managed to make up for that.