September's priorities:

  • Rip out the tendrils of THEME everywhere. As I start to remove the container/htmlpage code and place it into its own template tree, not having the transitional stuff means less that I need to port.
  • Create a controller class that htmlpages can delegate to
Both of those sound wildly unsexy, but they are fundamental pieces of work to move this place forward into this century. I'll worry about this decade in a few months.
    Sep 2
  • Updated Settings to not consider legacy themes
  • Pushed a new vagrant base box for wheezy so that developers don't have to instantly repair their vagrant machines.
  • Do not consider themesettings any more in getTheme
  • Do not consider VARS overrides any more in getTheme
  • Ditched the last squeeze machine (bastion)
    Sep 3
  • Removed themesetting from ect/ modules
  • Removed registry from nodepack export
  • Deleted themesetting type/dbtable
    Sep 9
  • Removed For a brighter tomorrow. Not that I don't want tomorrow to be brighter, but we don't actually need an old TODO list kicking around.
  • Removed the new e2 for a similar reason.
  • Updated a lot of the recipes to get ready for the next big template push.
  • Nuked classic theme
  • Nuked default theme
  • Nuked e2 jukka theme
  • Nuked ekw theme
  • Nuked zen theme, though the underlying is still in-place. We just don't actually need it enforced in the database.
  • Nuked theme, the node type
  • Nuked everything related to nodeballs. Yeah, I chuckled too.
  • Removed and stripped the zenadinheader VARS pref and removed the checkbox from advanced settings. It didn't do anything anyways
  • Removed and stripped the undocumented VARS entry omniphonic
  • Stripped a bad development var "borgd", which was supposed to be "borged"
  • Deleted Everything Email Options

The big port has begun! I am working on a branch in the repository everything-mvc-bootstrap. There's a lot of prep work to clean up the codebase as I go through, so I'm going to be picking them off, as I continue.

Sep 28

Couple of completely large changes to remove "legacy" behavior tonight that long time coders and contributors to E2 should be aware of:

  • Everything::dbh is gone. I've removed it from all of the pieces of code, including a lot of people's personal sandboxes.
  • compiledCode is gone. Everything::Delegation has swallowed up all of the htmlcodes and opcodes, so it was time to untangle a lot of the execution and evaluation pieces of the code. This is a major step towards cleaning up the codebase.
  • Did the first cut at QA-able refactors of the engine. initEverything / mod_perlInit no longer takes a parameter, so on the first cut, I can remove the places where that takes a parameter. After that, we can make it take a path to an everything conf JSON blob, and then work on encapsulating that in an object. Once it's no longer a bunch of package globals, it will be easier to QA alternate situations so I can make sure the engine handles things properly.

Sep 29

Removed the #announcements block from each of the stylesheet entries on the site. This is part of the port, as I'm starting to trip over the really grungy stylesheet display code

Sep 30

Dropped two tables: currentusers and softlinks because they didn't actually do anything