I think Flash is one of the most appropriate names for a product, possibly even better than the Keyboard in a Box. I can just see some web designer talking to their boss:

Developer: We need to use Flash!
Boss: What is it?
Developer: It's Flash!
Boss: What does it do?
Developer: Er, it's flashy!
Boss: Does it do anything useful?
Developer: Well, no, but it's flashy...
Boss: let's do it.

Ok, I'll admit Flash has good uses, we've used it to do some neat tutorials that would be hard to do short of an even more bloated java applet with a lot more programming, but it has a lot more abuses. Most of the websites that use it don't need it, they use it to make 1 minute "movies" as an introduction to their site, they use it to do rollovers that would be much better done with JavaScript, they use it to add superfluous sounds to their websites. In a word, it's damn annoying. It's flash, it's useless, mind numbing flash. Hence the name...