"You never keep souvenirs of a killing!" - James Stewart as Scottie Ferguson.

An incredible movie starring the aforementioned James Stewart and Kim Novak that is considered by many to be director Alfred Hitchcock's greatest masterpiece. The movie has inspired many anothers (The Sixth Sense?) in some areas such as cinematography,score and location shooting.

Set against the wonderful scenery of San Fransisco it tells the story of a police dective (Stewart) who has found out that he has acrophobia after a shocking experience that led to a co-worker's death. Hence the title of the film.

He retires from the force and decides to become a private eye at the beckoning of an old "college chum." His former friend wants Stewart to follow his wife because she appears to be going into strange trances and living the life of one of her ancestoral relatives. Stewart decides to take the job and...the rest of the suspenseful movie is born. There's murder, intrigue, lies, love, and obsession.

The movie was a failure by critics during its release in 1958, but over time many of those same critics have had complete reversals in noticing the quality of the film. Among Hitchcock fans it is a cult classic.

Running Time: 2 hrs. 8 mins.
Rated PG

The film is available in widescreen, pan and scan, and DVD from Universal Home Video that has been restored and remastered.