Born January 1, 1745 - Died December 15, 1796

'Mad' Anthony Wayne was a prominent American general during the Revolutionary War. On September 20, 1777 his troops were surprised by the British in a bayonets-only attack in the Battle of Paoli.

General Wayne got his revenge years later, when he led an the attack on Stony Point, which was protected by a 200' cliff face and was strongly fortified. General George Washington, knowing how important the battle would be, saw Wayne as the only choice. It is reported that when asked to accomplish this difficult feat, Wayne stated, "Issue the orders Sir, and I will storm Hell."

On July 16, 1779 his troops marched through Doodletown, New York and in a bayonets-only attack similar to the battle at Paoli, his troops assaulted the British fortress. Although Wayne was injured during battle, the troops were successful in capturing the fort.