Spaceward Ho! is still around. As of 2015, the game is available for iOS and Android devices (including the Amazon Kindle), as well as on Mac OS X. While it is a faithful port, down to the easter eggs, the fact that multiplayer seems to be missing is a major disappointment. Still, it's nice to have one of the earliest 4X games (I think Reach for the Stars predates it) handily available on my iPhone and iPad (it's a universal app on iOS, so you only buy it once). The touch-screen interface, while functional, feels a bit clunky compared to the old simple mouse-driven one - managing fleets is not terribly intuitive (you don't select a fleet then drag from the planet it's at to the destination, you drag the actual fleet icon in the popup to the destination, e.g.; also, you can't move individual ships between fleets, just split them in half ad infinitum).

Still, at $4.99 US, it's a cheap nostalgic win. It's now made by Ariton Software (I'm not sure of their relation to the original makers, Delta Tao).