A U.S. nuclear submarine collided with a Japanese fishing research vessel last week. The sub was practicing an emergency ascent maneuver and collided with the boat.

This was just one among many of the 5 minute sound bites that you have heard over the last week. On the front page of your town paper, it resides on the bottom, if even on the first page at all.

The more pressing concern for most Americans is whether Colby and Jerri will have sex, or if Michael will finally kill something.

Sitting on your couch watching the news, you heard about the Concord crashing, "Oh good" you say as Tom Brokaw announces that no Americans were on the flight.

A gunman enters an office building and shoots people randomly, but "luckily" only one person died.

Two army helicopters collided and seven servicemen are left dead. "It's the army, they need to be prepared for that" you say.

They still died

You may have not known them, but
they had a family, similar to yours
they had friends, funny as yours
they were a person, and now they are no more

And all you do is sigh, and look at the clock thinking, "20 more minutes until Survivor is on."