It's happened in Montréal now too. A school shooting, at the Dawson CEGEP.

Montréal. That's Canada. The same Canada that appears in Bowling for Columbine, where Michael Moore walks into unlocked homes and says hi.

This is just too close to home. I didn't go to Dawson, but I did visit its campus several times, and I had several friends who attended school there. It's an anglophone CEGEP, but so far there seems to be no evidence that the gunman had any racial or ethnic motives. He simply shot people randomly.

Only one person killed besides the gunman. Nineteen wounded.

Dawson is a beautiful school, and I would have never expected anything but peace from it.

It's not the first time this has happened in Montréal. Something similar happened before in Concordia in 1992, where a prof went mad and killed four other profs. Everyone is also remembering the École Polytechnique shootings of 1989, when 14 women were killed by another crazy gunman on account of being female students at a technical school. I remember the yearly memorials and services held for those women. I wonder if there will be another one held for the young student who got killed this time.

There's no need for me to put links here to the news articles. You can all find them yourselves. But this is absolutely mind-boggling.

Just as everyone else, I am asking "why?"