One of the nine schools of ninjutsu, Takagi Ryu began approximately in 1589, but it was established as a ryu in the mid 17th Century by Takagi Oriuemon Shigenobu, after his father was mugged and killed down a dark alley. Shigenobu avenged his death, heeding his father's advice

"A willow is flexible, but a high tree is breakable"

Tokagi Yoshin Ryu translates into English as "High Tree, raised heart school".

When applied, the techniques further those of Judo, and Aikido and it is made difficult for the opponent to escape through rolling and breakfalling. This has come around since the martial art was developed for interior combat as opposed to other forms of martial art that are used outdoors.


A. Unryu
B. Ito Kii Sukesada

  1. Takagi Oriuemon Shigenobu -b.1625 - d.1711
  2. Takagi Umannosuke Shigesada -b.1655 - d.1746
  3. Takagi Gennoshin Hideshige - d. 1702
  4. Ohkuni Kihei Shigenobu - (1688)
  5. Ohkuni Yakuburo Nobutoshi
  6. Ohkuni Tarodayu Tadanobu
  7. Ohkuni Kihei Yoshisada
  8. Ohkuni Yozaemon Yoshisada
  9. Nakayama Jinnai Sadahide
  10. Ohkuni Takezaemon Hidenobu
  11. Nakayama Kaemon Sadasaka
  12. Ohkuni Kamahura Hidetoshi
  13. Yagi Ikugoro Hisayashi -(1830-1844)
  14. Fujita Fujigoro Hisayoshi
  15. Mizuta Yoshitaro Tadefusa
  16. Takamatsu Toshitsugu- b.1887 - d.1972
  17. Hatsumi Masaaki - b.1931 -

    Information source: Paul Richardson