It smells of a really misguided piece of advice from one of Poppy's advisors, a way of making our president more populist, more accessible. This is for him to give nicknames to everyone around him, which even the nickname recipients often do not understand. These are from the New York Times Week in Review (Feb 18, 2001), but I'm sure some more will surface in the coming (help!) four years of Dubya presidency...

Attorney General John Ashcroft- Snake Hips
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld- Chickenman
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christine Todd Whitman- Pistol Pete
Secretary of State Colin Powell- Bubblefoot
First Lady Laura Bush- Stretch
Russian President Vladimir Putin- Ostrich Legs
Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman- Bullet
Vice President Dick Cheney- Hopalong, or alternatively, Crash-Dive

There is also an aid Frenchy, there are Knuckles, Bones, The Eskimo, Skeezix, The Undertaker, Stilts, and a cabinet member Spinach Man. And Bush has a friend named Darryl whom he calls The Big Goober. This is why we call him The Embarrassment.