Christians aren't the only group of people who believe in Scientific Creationism. Muslims do as well, although our view of it is probably less convoluted and the genesis story isn't the same. The central fact remains that we believe the Universe was created by God.

It is important to note that there isn't any contradiction with science here.The Quran is very direct in its description of the world around us. The Quran says that the world is spherical (it was written down in a time when most of the world believed it was flat). The Quran says that living things are made from water ( or more accurately that we came from the water) which doesn't argue with evolution, and if anything supports it. That is important, we aren't attacking Evolutionism here, but supporting Creationism.

The idea that the world is created by an intelligent being is not contradictory to available evidence, in fact it is intuitive.

In Islam the purpose of science is to explore the world as God's creation, and to test the assertions made about it in the Quran. It is a direct challenge, and one that is met with mountains of evidence that show the world to be as beautiful and complex as we are told it is in the Quran. So far there isn't any body of literature that debunks scientific assertions made by the Quran in the same way as there is for the Bible. If anything you find noted non-muslim scholars like Dr Maurice Bucaille supporting the idea that there is scientific validity in the Quranic world view.

Please don't confuse Scientific Creationism with one religion, it won't die with Christianity, not if it has value itself as an idea. A lot of people instinctively believe that the remit of science is as Muslims believe, to explore the world of matter, and mathematics, and to leave the spiritual world to higher and better eyes.