I check when the sunrise occurs and try to be outside for this event. I notice the calmness of the earth. I see the sky preparing to shed its darkness when the sunlight begins to envelop it, painting colors and shapes. I look at the birds standing near, awakening to the new day. There is a silence here, and everything is emanating from the stillness. This is a rebirth which has occurred for eons.

Then simply I'm attentive to every sensation. Is there any difference between my perception of the morning stillness and that within my own heart? I feel where they merge. They do it in myself.

What I perceive is this moment and the evolving world. I feel I am all that I perceive, and there is no boundaries between me and it. Thus I am it and there is nothing else.

Hence I shall stop the seeking of one more moment. And so I accept the freedom I have always been, i.e. the pure silence of now from which the whole universe springs and eventually will return unto infinity.

The universe does not dream.