The SLC are the agency which issues British government loans of (relatively) miniscule worth in the form of cheque and bank transfers to university students, on the understanding that as soon as the students finish university and gain a salary of over £10,000 they will have to pay it all back (at interest free rates in the meanwhile).

The size of the loans change every year but approximately they can be the maximum of £4,500 pa for a student living in London, £3,500 pa for a student living anywhere else in the UK, and £3000 pa for a student who lives with his parents.

This is in itself the reason most students do not like the SLC, the fact the loans are far to small to be lived upon without either a p/t job or rich parents, yet are far too large to be taken unfair advantage of by the more privileged students. The poorer students have to use their study time working to pay for rent and food that is if their university tolerates part time working, while the students of rich parents can use the SLC loans to borrow, at some very nice interest free rates, holidays in the Alps or Africa during the summer break.

The Student Loan Company will get their money, they will hunt you down like the scumsucking leech of a student you are if neccessary, and they will get every last penny back.

(I personally plan to move to Iraq, Cuba or North Korea as soon as I finish University, to escape this evil Loan Shark Government. Beatnig was bang on with - "They are the cowboys and I am the Indian")