»Inevitable federal system«. That's the problem, isn't it.

I am not a British citizen. My horse in this race is egotistically on the Remain side for purely practical reasons — it would save me a few walks to embassies and so on. However, when I read something like »member states refuse to accept the natural order of things and allow for our fragmented, internationally meaningless states to evolve to a more relevant and inevitable federal system«, I feel compelled to point out two things: firstly, that you are the caricature that the Leave side fears — one of their main concerns is that the activist side of the Remain camp are secretly what you are overtly: people who want to destroy the independence of Britain and permanently annex it to a federationful of squalling Frenchmen and Greeks. Openly championing this is a bad tactic on your part, to say the least. Presuming always that you do want to stay in.

And secondly, that although I am not a Briton but a Swede, I would sooner die of dysentery in some godforsaken trench outside Ypres than just sit back and allow a federal Europe. To be clear, this is not because I have a particular appetite for deleterious microbes or World War I 2: World Harder. However, I think this will not be necessary; you fortunately overestimate the inevitability of such an outcome, the Nordic countries are just as skeptical to it as Britain is, taken as a whole, and as soon as we get you people up against the nearest adequate wall come to grips with some of the more outré individuals and tendencies of the current EU, we can hopefully reform it back to a trade and movement union containing no other elements and no constant grasping toward a centralization which, after all, is perhaps the strongest unifying trait of us Europeans — we all hate it, every nation in Europe.

But, if someone's less optimistic than I am about that, it's easy to see why he would vote Leave. It seems to me that this would be by far the most pragmatic and rational response to your claims, supposing one accepted them as true — even if Britain would take a short- or long-term economic hit. Rather, the only rationally sound defense of a Remain vote is and must be that Britain can easily quash the constant cancerous federalist tendencies of the Union, and will in fact serve both itself and Europe better by staying in and doing so. It seems clear that the British people would vote an overwhelming no to federalization; we'll see soon enough whether they also think that means no to the European Union.