I finally chose a direction for my new job/career or whatever you want to call it.
I applied to a gourmet food establishment months ago. I hadn't expected to hear back from them, but two weeks ago I got a call from them. There was an interview. They hired me rather quickly. I've put in three days of work in the kitchen and recieved good feedback. Now I'm waiting to hear when they want me in next. They're supposed to call me this week to let me know. I've been checking my phone each day like Teenage Me waiting for a boy to call. They're going to put me on the schedule eventually; for now my hours are decided on a day-by-day basis. They gave me an official offer of employment and other paperwork, which I have signed and returned, so I don't think they forgot about me (or at least I hope not). I completed the food handling safety exam today. Now I need to buy more pairs of black pants. I will likely go out of town tomorrow to do my shopping. The store I like is Canadian, which is a lucky coincidence. Like many other Canadians, I am now avoiding US products. I'm sorry to those of you who did not vote for this nonsense. I wish that Trump would stop being such a tool and filling the news with garbage. There are a million other things I'd rather pay attention to, and the world would be a better place if he went away.
The snow is starting to melt with all the rain we've had today. I really hope it continues so we can at least have clear sidewalks; I've been wanting to run outside again. I have a trail race at the end of April, and I've hardly done any cardio all winter. I have a good enough base that I can get back into shape quickly (I hope), but the sooner I can start training the better. I have been strength training all winter, which should help with injury prevention (specifically my knee) as well as improving speed. I'm curious to see how I do this year.
Oh yeah, I guess I haven't told you guys yet that my ex-fiance has contacted me several times over the past couple of years. The first time was in order to hit on me after he'd had a big fight with his girlfriend. Thankfully, I already knew about her (though he didn't know that I knew) and I didn't fall for that crap. He later messaged me to apologize for "acting stupid," which I appreciated. We had a mostly normal conversation. Then he hit on me again. I called him out on it, and he went radio silent. The next message he sent was maybe 6 months later for the sole purpose of telling me he was expecting a baby. I asked him who the father was. He made a lame joke. I blocked him without responding. I thought that was the end of that. That was over a year ago.
Then last month he messaged me on a different social media platform, one I hadn't been able to block him on because he didn't used to have a profile there. He has one now. It's full of baby photos. The girlfriend is now his wife (I had to do some sleuthing to figure that part out). What does he want this time? Every other time I'd asked what his intentions were, he'd given me the "just want to see how you are" explanation, which explains exactly nothing. So I blocked him without responding.
That felt good. But honestly, I'm having trouble forgetting it. Any time I think of him, I remember how little he believed in me. How he discouraged me from pursuing my writing in any sort of professional way. How at the end of our relationship, he told me that he hopes I prove him wrong and rub it in his face. And believe me, I would love to do that. I was planning to. But I haven't done anything with my writing or editing since the breakup. It's like I'm frozen. I don't think that will change until I stop thinking about him, which I was actually doing a pretty good job of until he popped up out of nowhere. Fuck him. I just want to live my life and not care about what some asshole thinks.
Anyway. I'll be busy soon enough. In addition to working at my new job, I'll be training for a half-marathon 5-6 days a week. I also want to volunteer for the conservation group again this year. And there's a bunch of other stuff I want to do but likely won't have the time for. That's fine. I think this year might actually be a good one for me.