user since
Sat Jan 25 2003 at 19:11:09 (21.4 years ago )
last seen
Fri Feb 7 2003 at 21:44:51 (21.3 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 1
most recent writeup
rules for controlling your child (idea)
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hi i'm ali! you may have guessed by the name, i love Pink( not the colour, the singer!). i have a whole load of weird experiences i can write nodes about. here are just a few of them:
Self harm
Sexual abuse

anyways, i'm 15, i live in Romford with my Mum, Dad, brother Chris and cat Gillygillyosenfefercatsunellerbogonbythesea(Gilly for short!). quite a few of my nodes are likely to be about my family and friends. there is also gonna be a lot of poetry, not all of it will be cheerful but it'll be there.if you're really lucky there might even be a short story or 2(!).