It's done.
Donald John Trump has been elected again is
President of the United States. America has its first
convicted felon as its President. Not our first
rapist, after all the relationship between
Sally Hemmings and
Thomas Jefferson cannot be called consensual. Trum is our first
felon. Our first
seditionist too.
Four years ago Trump incited a bunch of his true-believers to assault the Capital, to intimidate Congress and Mike Pence into refusing to honor the verdict of the 2020 election that gave victory to Joe Biden. He has never admitted he lost, though everyone but his hardcore supporters admit he did. Of the over 1,600 defendants from that assault, only two have been acquitted. The Justice system has decided. But the political system balked.
Not one Republican who put their vote where reality lay is still in office. Not one. Every last honorable Republican was voted off the island by a Republican electorate who regards any deviation from the Trump line. And the American electorate at large watched all of that and decided it didn't matter when the alternative was a smart woman of color who also happened to be a Democrat.
So never again should any American claim ours is a Great Country. A Great Country is one whose citizens feel an actual obligation to the World at Large, and sacrifice when needed for the good of the world. A Great Nation is not mid-pack in infant mortality, or whose citizens have a declining life expectancy. A great nation wants to uplift all it's citizens, not just the richest and whitest of them all. A Great Nation cares about education, and invests rather than look for people to blame. And a Great Nation's voters embrace the truth, and understand that the things they want to hear may not actually be true.
Today, America is none of those things. We chose to embrace felony and fraud because a lie repeated often enough can win if the voters choose to hear only what they wish. Soon, in the so-called 'land of the free' reporters who tell the truth maybe investigated and bullied into silence by a President who has publicly and consistently stated that he would use the power of government as a partisan tool. That the law, which I once thought mattered, matters not at all. That people I thought basically good, would have embraced Adolph Hitler for telling them what they want to hear.
I cannot tell you the disgust I feel for people whom I once called friend. I cannot express my shame in a nation that was once a source of pride. I used to believe there places you would not go, that there were lines you would not cross. Now you have shown me just how wrong I am.
Today, the election of Trump was certified in a process that was legal, because his political opponents still retain their integrity. The question is, will integrity ever matter again to anyone?