Jason Brooks is the graphic artist who executed those highly distinctive Hed Kandi album covers, Finlandia vodka advertisements and Pushca flyers, as well as several illustrations for Conde Nast, Vogue, Elle and other British publications. You probably can't forget the highly stylised and unique way how he has represented the beautiful people in his work - golden skinned, svete bodies in dynamic poses, with wide almond eyes, full lips, unnoticable noses and flowing hair. These coquetteish, elfin clubbers are drawn with simple features from a limited selection of matte colours, as if Jason was illustrating an aircraft safety card.

Jason was born in Brighton, Britain and was educated at the St Martin's College and the London College of Art, and began his work as a fashion illustrator for The Independent.

"My interest in people, real or imagined, and how they reflect their individual personalities through their clothes, music and the things they have around them has become the subject of my work. "

However, if his source of inspiration is the Ibiza rave party scene, one wonders if he found any individual personality there at all. Instead his work has the feel of a Norman Rockwell vision of Cool Britannia. Remember he is an ad man.

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