dawn is breaking there are swans on the pond

it's Friday but it feels like a Thursday somehow

I stand at the window like a girl in a movie

fingertips pressed to the glass and I think 

how all of our days have their colors and ways

how Sunday is green like a hospital gown

quiet and calm like an operating room

how Thursday is gray 

like the ghosts you find in your pictures sometimes

through the wall I can hear a young woman speaking

she talks about God

she is on TV and she talks about faith

she says she would rather be happy and wrong

than to live an unhappy life and be right

I don’t know who she is 

but I envy her

I don’t know her name but I envy her faith 

and I think how the swans seem to glide on the pond

how they move at the surface with effortless grace

feet paddling and churning the water below

and I stand in the pale morning light and I wonder

if Friday can somehow feel like a Thursday 

and Thursday is gray and Sunday is green

if I turn to God

will he know I’m a ghost

will he know I’m afraid

when I turn away like a girl from a window.

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