(A logo)should look just as good in 15-foot letters on top of company headquarters as it does one sixteenth of an inch tall on company stationery.
    Steven Gilliatt, Director of Design, Lippincott & Margulies, 1987.

Derived from the Greek term logos meaning word, reckoning, or thought logo first appeared in the English language in 1937. Some say it’s possibly a shortening of logogram, ‘a sign or character representing a word’. One example would be @ for the word “at”. A second origin of the word could be from logotype 'a single piece of type bearing two or more letters or an entire word'.

Typically a logo is a trademark, symbol, colophon, an identifying statement or motto that is principally put on a single printing plate or section of type. Frequently organizations adopt a one to identify their designs or products.

The earliest known application of the word is in the magazine Advertising and Selling. The monthly supplement of the weekly trade magazine was Advertising Arts, which was a unique trade magazine that wanted to integrate modern art into the starchy conventional commercial culture of the early 30's. They perceived ways to incorporate new design trends and progressive ideas “adopted by radicals” into everyday practice, sought to report on them rather than actually create these advancements and offered them with such sensible fervency that the magazine became the vortex of evolving American graphic and industrial designs of the decade.

One of these up and coming logo designers Clarence P. Hornung published several important books on antique design resources, noting in Advertising Arts that, “The average American trade-mark is born of late Victorian ancestry. It is colorless in dress, overwrought in detail, sedate and somber in mien. Thrown into modern advertising society, it evinces the propriety of gingham and ‘yellow tans’ at a formal function.” His resolution was to construct trademarks in a modern light by streamlining and geometrocizing (sic) them. By the time the 1939 New York World’s Fair: the World of Tomorrow rolled around the magazine was defunct but many of the modern graphics, packages, and industrial design concepts that were championed by the magazine were appreciated there and inspired others to create logos.

Steel lightens your work, brightens your leisure and widens your world.

Do you know why the Pittsburgh Steelers have a logo only on one side of their helmet?

The Steelers logo was first developed by the U.S. Steel Corporation, but was afterward taken on by the American Iron and Steel Institute to stand for the whole steel industry. So it was a likely pick for the logo for the then plain-helmeted Steelers, even if the proposal did come from Republic Steel, a business headquartered in the arch-rival municipality of Cleveland.

It was in 1962 when Republic Steel pitched the idea of using the Steelmark to the Steelers suggesting they sport it on their helmets seeing as they symbolized the Steel community. At the time they were wearing gold helmets and some were unsure about what the decals would look like. Additionally others were reluctant about using what was basically an advertisement on their uniform. Still, they liked the idea, so for that season they agreed to let the new logo adorn the Steelers helmets.

Even Jack Hart the equipment manager wasn’t confident if the new detail would look good against the gold surroundings so he only applied it on the right side of the helmets. As It turned out 1962 was also the first season that the Steeler’s had ever made the playoffs and to commemorate the event they exchanged the gold painted helmets for black ones to set off the new logo. Because the one sided logo coincided with their first appearance in the playoffs the team decided to leave it on one side of the helmet permanently. The Steelers are currently the only team in the NFL, CFL, WFL or CFA to wear a one sided logo.

The significance of the colors in the Steelmark logo was extended during the 1970s to include the three resources used to manufacture steel: yellow for coal, orange for ore, and blue for steel scrap. By the way the four-pointed star shaped icons in the Steelmark are called hypocycloids. They are created by tracing a point on the edge of a circle as it revolves around the inside a bigger circle. Today's helmet replicates the way the logo was initially applied and remains unchanged.


Advertising Arts: America Becomes Modern(istic):


The History of the Pittsburgh Steelers Logo:

Online Etymology Dictionary:

Word of the Day:

Logo is more then just turtle graphics. It is a lisp-based programming language, designed to teach children many things, like; spacial concepts, logic, and rudimentary programming concepts. The language is multi-facetted. It can do many things with few commands, but can also, as a child grows and understands more, can be very useful. Plus, because of the turtle graphics, it can be entertaining to a child. Children get a sense of accomplishment, because they can make the computer draw a picture, and most adults can't.

LOGO the programming language had a cute interface with LEGOs. Through LOGO programs, you could steer cars in a LEGO city, control traffic lights and do just about anything your imagination could come up with. I expect the systems were pretty expensive as I never had any friends who owned this, only schools.

Now LEGOs has a similar something called MindStormsTM, which I haven't scraped up the cash to get, but will someday.

A computer language used to teach structured computer programming. Its most prominent feature is turtle graphics - a system that allows children to get instant gratification from their programs. (Draw a circle in C++. how many lines did it take you?)
Its logical lisp-like structure is often overlooked by serious educators, unfortunately, since they assume, because of turtle graphics, that it is a toy.

Infinitely superior for structured programming education than Pascal or (shudder) BASIC.
Unfortunately, Smalltalk is probably a better choice for teaching Object Oriented Programming than Object Logo.

Because everybody loves Logo (and I owe choosing my major to it), I present to you...

The Complete History of Logo

The first version of Logo was created by Seymour Papert (of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory fame) in 1967. The language was created as an offshoot from Lisp. Logo was modular, interactive, highly extensible, and flexible... all these made it an EXCELLENT educational tool. One of the reasons many children like Logo is because of the turtle, a programmable sprite which can move around the screen with simple commands and draw objects. Many varieties of the turtle can morph into other sprites too, making it possible to create animation sequences.

In the 1970s, Logo was introduced to a small number of universities as a research tool, and also in some in elementary schools for educational purposes, such as the Brookline Public Schools near MIT. In the late 70s, Logo was developed for the Apple II (most uses include graphics and other programming applications) and the TI 99/4 (used mostly for action-oriented, gaming type projects). In 1980, several pilot projects across Texas and New York were initiated by TI and MIT.

Terrapin Software licensed Logo and went on to produce two versions: Terrapin Logo and Logo PLUS. 3 years later, Seymour Papert founded Logo Computer Systems, Incorporated. LCSI's first commercial offering was Apple Logo, but many others followed. Logo was gaining momentum by 1980, with versions for MSX, Commodore, Atari, and IBM PC systems. LCSI released MacLogo in 1985 as a serious programmer's application, but it never caught on.

Also that year, LCSI released LogoWriter, which went on to become one of the most popular versions of Logo. Mitchel Resnick and Steve Ocko released LEGO Logo, which interfaced Logo with the motors and sensors in LEGO constructs. Both LCSI and Terrapin refused to make any dramatic changes following this, and by the early 90s, US educators began to see Logo as a thing of the past. However, the language was still popular abroad (especially Latin America).

In 1993, LCSI released MicroWorlds, the first major change in Logo architecture in the 90s. MicroWorlds was a truly modern application with a list of new features (drawing tools, sound, graphics import and export, multitasking, parallel processing). All these features were also adapted in PCLogo for Windows.

Popular current versions of Logo include StarLogo (a massively parallel version of Logo), UCBLogo (for Macs, DOS, and Unix), and MSWLogo (for Windows).

Source: Logo Foundation, http://el.www.media.mit.edu/groups/logo-foundation/

LOGO is the newest subsidiary of MTV networks, created specifically with the interests of homosexual America in mind.

The channel aims to provide entirely gay/lesbian programming through movies, series, documentaries, specials, and even gay oriented news.

The channel makes its debut on June 30, 2005.

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