It was my birthday a week ago. I am now 69 and feeling it. Recent medical issues (strokes, heart attacks and open heart surgery) have taken their toll physically, emotionally and philosophically. I can no longer take my health for granted; I've given up eating red meat almost totally, I watch my intake of fats and sugars (even to the point of choosing orange juice over apple juice as there's less sugar!) and smoking is verboten. I wear a Zoll Life Vest 24 hours a day, every day. It's uncomforatble for long periods and highly inconvenient sometims, but it's worhwhile. I keep tabs on blood pressure, I am careful to balance exercise against risk (e.g. of falling or putting too much pressure on my heart). I have had to moderate my caffeine intake (which means more decaffeinated coffee and even cutting back on tea. I make certain I get enough sleep (aiming for 7+ hours a day) and I'm on the lookout for signs of cognitive decline. In shrot, I feel less than I used to be.

On the other hand, the support I've been given, and the love to me shown have demonstrated that I am a worthwhile human being; many people clearly want me to hang around longer to enrich their lives and others'. TO that end I have made an examination of myself to check that I remain on track to leave good footprints (after all, when I finally sign off, all that's left are others' memories and stories of me, and the digital tracks I leave here.

I'm intending to hang around a while longer, hence my precautions. Meanwhile, I am still celebrating my birhday, and will do until I hav celebrated 69 days. Gifts continue to roll in. Thanks to Jet-Poop for much fabulous reading he has enabled me to have, to the anonymous givers of other gifts, including a fountain pen and a pretty green ink from my wishlist (which I have taken great delight in!). I believe I owe thanks to Segnbora-T too for even more reading and learning material. Books are a great delight to me, always. Also thanks to Caroline for a jigsaw which will support my fight against cognitive decline, enhance my fine digital manipulation and test my finger-working, as well as encourage me to clear and create sufficient room to do a jigsaw! Finally, the anonymous gift of a lovely scarf and sweater, needed as my aging body feels the cold more and more! Oh, and please, if you're going to send something from my wishlist, please arrange for Amazon to include a note of your username here; some have not done so, and here are gifts whose givers I am not familiar with, and consequently cannot thank.

Meanwhile, on E2, the Brevity Quest is doing nicely, I am planning several writeups on various etymlogies of words and a few longer-form writeups on Things that Fascinate Me; watch this space.

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