In short, we want your writeups, 300 words or fewer.
"February is the shortest month."
— T. S. Eliot, probably
It's the shortest month of the year! Time for the annual thing that is Brevity Quest. The rules are pretty basic, write something good in 300 words or less.
- The quest starts on Saturday, 1st February at 00:00:00 and ends on Friday the 28th February at 23:59:99 (E2 server time). Timestamps outside of February 2025 will not qualify!
- We're looking for well-crafted fact, fiction, poetry and prose, the usual suspects. New writeups only, no daylogs.
- Post as many submissions as you wish. It is okay to post hidden writeups if you prefer.
- Quest entries should be labelled as such, and please include your wordcount. A /msg to inform me is recommended.
- Bounty will be awarded at 10GP per writeup.
Check out the BQ submissions from previous Quests, for example 2020, 2021 and 2022. There's also still a list of stuff to be noded at wertperch's nodeshell challenge, so you've no excuses! Someone could, for example do a writeup on git the version control system or Docker sofware containers.
I am currently the sole judge. If you'd like to help out, please let me know.
N.B. Don't rely solely on the word count in the draft/writeup header (as it counts HTML and pipelinked text too). We do have the E2 Word Counter, but please also note the Brevity Quest Word Count Guidelines. For my part i use xclip on the displayed text and the Linux command wc, as demonstrated below.
Some Rules/FAQ
No daylogs, please.
- Your wordcount must be displayed clearly
- The Judge/s may check wordcount by their own accurate standards, and will reject any writeup outside the 300 words.
- is there a minimum word count? Nope. But be reasonable.
Writeups must survive into the judging process, which will probably be a week into March.
Message wertperch with your entries so he can update this.
Rewards of GP are at the discretion of the judge/s
The decision/s of the judge/s will be final.
xclip -o | wc -w
342 (so ironically this would not qualify!)
Shortlist of Entrants, including my wc count:
- kabelsalat (129)—wertperch
alanine transaminase (288)—weroland!⍼
homelab (300)—wertperch
People will find some reason to hate others (300)—C-Dawg!⍼
The Tower & The Apprentice. (188)—nuggets
Peace (15)—Peaceful Chicken
glowie (275)—wertperch
tmux (295)—wertperch
imaginary doomed romances (266) —milkfish
Donde esta la biblioteca? (184)—Glowing fish
The Kantian argument against excessive politeness (206) —Glowing Fish!⍼
notochord (159)—browncoat
- neofetch (276)—wertperch
On Working in a School (245)—peaceful chicken
The Clockwork Quartet (286)—Zephronias!⍼DustyBlue
- Ah (15)—peaceful Chicken
- The Celts: Search for a Civilization (248)—passalidae!⍼
- Strait of Magellan (150)—by wertperch
- histotripsy (300)—by weroland
- exemia (73)—by weroland
- nesh (250)—by wertperch
- Once upon a starry, (52)—by etouffee
- hundred (226)—wertperch
- 504 Gateway Timeout (17)—Peaceful Chicken
- 504 Gateway Timeout (241)—wertperch
- Big Trouble in Little China (293)—by Dustyblue
- Keys to locks long forgotten somewhere (57)—by etouffee
- Weather Worker (291)—Zephronias⍼
- 7 grams (50)—Peaceful Chicken
- microplastics (299)—Peaceful Chicken
- 14158 (275)—weroland
- DOGE (296)—weroland
- Cunt (296)—wertperch
- minge (160)—wertperch
- The dehumanizing environment we call corporate(161)—andycyca
- Prompt Response (278)—Pandeism Fish
- Death of a Thousand Cuts (215)—andycyca–AN honest mistake was made,it was posted late, but was entirely accidental. Judge's decision to accept is final.
Number of writeups by user
Using awk -F '—⍼!' '{gsub(/^by /, "", $NF); gsub(/^ \t+| \t+$/, "", $NF); print $NF}' file.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
wertperch] 11
weroland 6
etouffee 2
Pecaeful Chicken 4
andycyca 2
Dustyblue 2
Zephronias 2
Glowing Fish 1
milkfish 1
browncoat 1
nuggets 1
Pandeism Fish 1
The Judgements (excuding myself and any other judges)
Most C! Zephronias for Weather worker (8)
mos productive weroland(6)
best poetry etouffee for once upon a starry
best wp nodeshell fill weroland for DOGE
best science browncoat for notochord and peaceful chicken for microplastics 9also a wp nodeshell fill!)