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The Best of The Week

It's been two weeks yesterday since I left the hospital after my last (third) heart attack. In and out in three days again, as seems to be my wont. Recovery has been completely different from the first and the second. The catheterization went in through my arm this time, and not my leg, for one. And, I was "coherently awake" for the whole process this time. Always odd, I might add.

The biggest issue has been the difference in medications. On my second statin this time around, and about to be on a third soon if I'm not mistaken. This has resulted in a weight loss of about fifteen pounds in two weeks, putting me on the high end of having an unhealthy BMI. (I'm 6'2" and about 130 lbs. at the moment. And on restricted liquids due to my ischemic cardiomyopathy.) Have already switched beta blockers, too, as the first was too effective. Haven't actually started the replacement yet as my blood pressure is never high enough to begin taking it. For intance, my two lowest have been

"She's trapped! I hope she's not trapped."

"What am I going to do now? How will we get her back? Seems she was the only one who knew how to get in."

He needed research. Dive deep into what she'd been doing.

It took hours to leave the forest. Fortunately he had his phone.


"He didn't make it. I can still include him."

He'd been with her for decades. Put up with her wandering spells. Supported her.

"What will he do without me?"

Up until this month, it was widely understood and believed all over the world, for centuries, that Jesus was made not of flesh and blood, but of cheese. Indeed, it was one of his foremost miraculous qualities, the Divine Mystery of the Cheese, a belief shared across the Abrahamic faiths and even by Hindu accounts of Jesus, and in sundry hybrid faiths.

And then, suddenly, in what can only be described as a strange Mandela effect experience.... somebody…

News for Noders

May 1: May day.

May 3: Happy birthday ImConfused!

May 4: May the Fourth be with you!

May 8: Happy birthday E2D2!

May 10: Happy birthday BIII!

May 12: Mother's day in the USA.

May 27: Memorial Day in the USA.

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

April 1: The E2 Dadaism Quest starts today! Please show off your Dadaist chops with lots of fig inverted urinal.

April 1: The 2024 LieQuest has been cancelled.

April 12: Yuri's Night

April 22: Happy Earth Day, fellow earthlings!

April 23: Saint George's Day.

April 24: Happy birthday, Rancid_Pickle!

April 30: Walpurgis Night.

If you have something to add to the monthly news, /msg Tem42.

March 14th: Pi day.

March 10th: Daylight saving time celebrated by many.

March 19th: The first equinox of the year.

March 31st: Happy birthday mad girl's love song!

Get ready for LieQuest 2024, starting on April 10th!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

February 2: Happy birthday Auspice!

February 2: Happy birthday npecom!

February 5: Happy birthday wertperch!

February 8: Happy birthday to panamaus

February 15: Happy birthday Admin to the goo!

February 15: Terse Quest 2024 begins!

February 23: Happy birthday Samuel Pepys!

February 29: Happy birthday Browncoat!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

January 1: Gregorian New Year.

January 16: National Nothing Day.

January 24: Happy Birthday Silverai_me!

January 26: Happy Birthday Segnbora-t!

January 30: Happy Birthday O-Swirl!

If you have something to add to the monthly news, /msg Tem42.